Wednesday, February 4, 2009

Chainlink fencing

It took me long time to come back. I am not a proffessional writer and I need to be in right mood to write. Bedi brothers film on Sunday compeleted my job very easily. A tiger walking along chainlink fencing to come back in to the park was shown in this film. Other thing they showed was how little the forest is left outside the park. I have photographed Tiger next to chainlink fencing. Mahavats saw a tigress leaping the fence. Everyone knows and accepts its disadvantages except the park authorities.

We know now that B2 and Bokha are living without facing any challenge from any male Tiger. One male that has come back inside the park is the same sub-adult cub that left chakradhara meadow about a year back. This shows that how empty our surrounding areas are.

Ther was a toft meeting yesterday i heard someone thanking forest department for regulating the jeep numbers. I am sorry to say that that gentleman never realised that what they have done to the park. 45 Jeeps should have been in 109 sq km in 60 sq km. Part of Tala range can not become a part of Magadhi zone. This shows that how illiterate our friends are about the National Park or they just wants to be in good books of Forest Department. I was shocked to see and hear Guides opposing Taj-C.C.Africa.

Mr Dwivedi Ranger khitauli wanted a Photo of Mahaman Tigress

More later.

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