Saturday, February 7, 2009


By the time I come back it is exactly a week. Many thing slipped from the mind. I will write it in some other day.
Toft had a meeting here. I was shocked and surprised to see Guides opposing Taj-C.C.Africa. They are dead against them. But the other thing that surprised me most was that how people behave in the jungle and how they talk about behaviour in the meetings. That reminds me 100-100 chuhe kha ke billi haj ko chali.
Mr and Mrs Mike Whitfield from Bristol were staying with us. They stayed for three nights for 5 game drives in the jungle. Sometimes it is very difficult to please a guest. They were very easy for Tigers. Had been to most of the National Parks but seen a Tiger only once. we were hoping that they will have minimum one good sighting in 5 game drive. Their trip was not that bad. They had some very good sightings. 4th morning we saw Tiger from Elephant back. P10 sleeping in Grass behind Forest Rest House opposite Kill khunta Road. There was nothing for me so I did not lift my camera but they were happy. Some nice wildboar and Orange Headed Ground Thrush were seen.
We decided to go to Gordon Road in the afternoon to avoid the rush but every one was there. by the time we reached to the spot he was lying in middle of the road between jeeps. I parked behind two jeeps and used the gap for photography. This cub ignored the jeeps and noise made by tourists.
Some Indian and foreign tourists thinks that Tiger get disturbed by human voice. Little they know that they are use to of human voice. They can hear us when they are hiding in the grass or forest. They get disturbed by quick action or movement in the jeep. None of the tourists control themselves for this. The moment they see a Tiger they stand up. Kay just Told me that at present there are 29 Tigers using Tala range. 11 adults and 18 cubs. These 29 are regularly seen by the tourists. None of the cubs from previous years are seen in Tala range. Tala is a good breeding nursery for Tigers. Where they goes and where they breed is the question to be answered by the forest department. We maintain a family tree of Tigers of Tala range since Sita and Charger's second litter. Sita had two litter with Banka and another four with Charger. She produced total 18 cubs in six litters out of which two females from her last litter Pyari and Reshma are still surviving in the park. They are 12 and half years old. They both are raising their 5th litter. Apart from one male and another female in the park rest are from the blood group are Sita and Charger. Yesterday Mahavats saw Lakshmi mating with P10. they both are from same parents but different litter. 29 Tigers feeding in Tala range where more than half of the boundary is fenced. These Tigers cant go out for prey. How long they can survive on this prey base available in Tala range? Few more years and then again we will start crying for Tigers in Bandhavgarh in the same manner as we are crying at present for Panna. I am affraid that power may go so I will post this to continue in next.

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