Wednesday, June 26, 2019

Visit to U.K. with Kay and Munmun

Worcester city : Railway station furniture is probably 100 yrs old or so. If you remember wooden benches on our railway stations which were painted with grey paints years after year. We saw a very similar bench here in worcester and it reminded me the furniture I saw at Budhni, Hoshangabad and few years back in Nainpur railway station.
Train journey back to Bromsgrove was good. Munmun had all her shopping bags so she used lift and we took the healthier route.

Today we again had a walk in the Chaddesley woods and walk through rapseed oil fields to reach Sue's house for tea and stayed for dinner. Sue and Pete are real farmer means meat eaters but today it was all vegetarian.  Munmun loved her beans on toast.
Staying at Durrance was the best for sleep quality. We had an extra bedroom with us and kitchen full of goodies which no one used.
Again I cooked the omelette for Munmun and we had usual our fruits cereal toast and tea.
Today we walk to Monica's house.. She makes variety of jams and every year we gets some bottles from her.
Monica and her husband liked Munmun . Monica lives in such a beautiful place that she never wants to go out on any holiday. Her husband does all sorts of things to keep himself busy. Engineering is his hobby. Old cars, Mini, Beetle, Rolls Royce and god knows which were there. You press a button and car will appear.
He wanted to show us his lorry with all the farming equipments and fighter planes but it was on show somewhere in the country. Some other day was the promise.
From their we walk in to woods to reach Dodford Inn where Andy and Esther were coming to meet us.
It's such a small community that everyone knows everyone. Pub was not open yet and we reached there from the back gate which opens in backfield footpath.
Kay introduced herself and Oh oh yes please take your seat and be comfortable.
We think she was the Pub owner who was cleaning the windows. In India owner will never do that kind of work but here all these things are everyday routine.
Munmun was fascinated travelling in Range Rover, Land Rover, Mercedes, BMW. I don't think we travelled in Jaguar there. One Land Rover which we used was not washed for months and Range Rover had farmers tools in the boot. These are the people who uses vehicle as a tool. Some of them thinks buying is cheaper and safer than getting it repaired.
When you see these people then you realise that these are the real workers who knows how to enjoy money.
Andy came with his wife to hand over some pictures for our rooms. He was in a hurry.
Esther brought the album from the days she stayed with us in Tala when Munmun was only 3 years old. That cheered up Munmun. She ate her first egg at Raja cafe on that visit to Khajuraho.
It was nice to see Esther.
Esther dropped us at the Durrance and left after a cup of tea.
I stopped eating biscuits in Sep 2017 but here temptation for Ginger biscuits was too strong than my will.
Even we never had Magnum ice cream on this trip??    

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