Monday, January 8, 2018

B2 aka Sundar.

B2 may not be as popular as Sita or Charger or Banka were. Only because these tigers had the benefit of early film making on wild tigers in the country. B2 came in after Sita and Charger. He was not as aggressive as Charger but he was as docile and jeep friendly as Sita was but at the same time he learnt the tricks of the trade very early in his life to maintain the distance from the crowd. In late 1990's B2 along with his siblings B1 and B3 dominated the Tala Range. 
This was the time when Charger was getting old. He had catract. He was losing hld on his territory. In his last few years of his life he did not faced any challange from any other intruder. We saw him surviving on scraps.
This made things much easier for B2 and his siblings to get the control of the area.
They all formed their territories in Chargers land even when the dominant male was still alive but surviving in very poor condition.
Charger spent last few months of his life in a man made pan.
A tiger who could not see properly was found in a ditch near village Mahaman, starving , unable to move so initially a temporary pan was erected then and there for him.
Once Charger gone in to a pan B2 got a chance to flex his muscles without getting any challange from any other male.
This young cub who was born in Tala range and useto to the tourist jeeps startedmoving in Chakradhara meadow to form his territory.
He use to walk parallal to tourist jeeps. This made him very popular amongst the tourists because in those days Tala was the only zone in Bandhavgarh and whole park and all the roads were open for tourism.
People strted coming year after year to look for B2. Like Charger and Sita, B2 aka Sundar too became a symbol for Bandhavgarh.
In those days noone asked to look for any other Tiger except B2.
Every tourist wante to posses a photograph of B2.
B2s popularity in the tiger world can be judged by this too that a complete book was written on him (Tiger Jungle By Iain Green ) .
Once he became the dominant male he had never faced any other male or allowed any intruder to steal any part of his territory.


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