Friday, March 3, 2017

Watching Tourist watching Tifer was fun.

I wont say it was a dull afternoon. Our plan was to see Sheshshaiyya at the last but these two sleepy cubs and eager tourists took the whole afternoon away from us.
It was not at all a chalange to photograph them because they were not at all photographable.
Our major aim was to see some other animals but we got struck in road block where every vehicle in the park was there, later or sooner. 
When we reached to that spot we saw people standing in their jeep to get a glimpse of a Tiger.
We stopped about 20 feet before the crowd and our guide pointed out the Tiger for us. So in fact we had the best spot to see these 10 months old cub of Xena.
She left them there in the morning, like obidient pupil they stayed at that spot till evening.

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