Saturday, January 14, 2017

Male Tigers in such a small area and still surviving without much of a conflict.

In one of our post on Facebook we said there are 5 different male tigers moving in an area of roughly about 40 sq km of Magadhi zone in Bandhavgarh.
We just thought to look for all the sightings of different males we had in Magadhi zone.
Question came up that what should be the centre point of this measurement so we decided to take Bagh Naka camp as centre point.
Everyone knows that Somanshu is being seen regularly around Arariya saucer which is only about a km or so in crow flight.

I saw Haaroon near Kadipani which is only few hundred meters from Baghnaka.
The other male which is coming to Sukhi Talaab and cuts up till Danwadol road is the male which charges on jeep without any provocation. We did not see him in this season but other people has seen him between Charakwaah and Bahera Camp. Very foggy day for this picture.
Other male which moves close to Baghnaka Camp is Chinku. He comes as close as Neelgaay road junction which is hardly a km from our centre point.
These four male always have a chance of conflict at one or the other point. The only male which comes under the length of 2.5 km radius and hardly have any chance to meet anyone of these is Tarun. He comes as close as Mahaman village and up till Sukhi Talaab which just touches the boundary of our 2.5 km radius map.
No one has any clue whether this male moves in anywhere close to Arariya or Kanoji fireline but being seen moving behind Sukhi Talaab.

And then don't forget about the Sukhi Patiya cubs which are still roaming in this area. They have a very uncertain future.


  1. Hi...I am not getting any Safari's in the core zone-Tala during mid of April 2017..Kindly let me know if I book at Khitauli and Magadhi, will I be able to see tigers.Secondly is the Online booking correctly showing that all safaris at Tala are already booked. Can I get current tickets as and when I reach Bandhavgardh in Mid April

    Please Please write to me at

    Thanks in Advance

    Vivek Pathak

  2. Pathak ji,
    Sorry for seeing you reply very late today.
    Yes Tigers are seen in Khitauli too.
    Some of my best sightings of the season are from Khitauli.
