Monday, December 6, 2010

Tigers of Bandhavgarh.

Since last 40 days I am visiting park in the morning and as well in afternoon. Lots of tiger sightings. Few photographable and few simply superb.
I need to talk about different matters today, hope I remember them all.
First driving by different drivers in the park.
This year there are many new drivers are seen in the park. One of them I know was digging well on my land last year and this year he is driving. My driver tells me that there are ten more drivers like him. So what they know about the park and its animals.
Their total aim is to show the Tiger to their client from as close as possible to earn a better tip.
This is very good for other pro photographers because by this way drivers and guides comes in habit of driving it to close, even for photographers, and kills all the chances of photographing behaviour.
Same thing happened today. We saw B2 and we were asking the guide and driver to move on to give him some space to come on road so everyone gets a better chance of photography but Indian Tourists were happy by driving parallal to him. Little they knew that this Tiger dont look at vehicle but changes his course. And he did that.
Forest authorities never been able to control these drivers and guides.
Tourists needs to know What is a good picture?? A tiger walking parallal to jeep in woods or a tiger walking towards jeep from a distance??
Who will teach them?? Guides and Drivers can do this but they get carried away by the greed of Tips.
Thats why many times we dont see much of a behaviour of an animal in presence of jeeps.
Every one is talking about Kalua and Pyari chakradhara female with her 3 cubs missing from Tala zone. No one so far has found the right reason of them leaving the park area. All these people who are getting worried about Kalua and Pyari and cubs has to see the park again with wide open eyes. How much prey base is there in their area??
Is it suffiecient to hold a tiger??
I think if they will see the park again they will know the answer. They left the park only because of Food.
Things will g even worse in next few months.
Female cub from Rajbehra has found the chakradhara. She is becoming a mature tigress and she is pushing Laxmi out of Chorbehra.
Laxmi cant hunt independently / frequently and new female, known as Vijaya or Kankati is killing the remaining prey base from Chakradhara.
In Chakradhara I did not see more than 50 Spotted Deer yesterday. Which is not enough for a tigress. In search of food she is moving in surrounding areas of Chakradhara.
Similar things are happening in other areas of the park.
We need to keep an eye on this. How is prey base in Bandhavgarh?? Is it suffiecient for Carnivores to survive??


  1. fantastic blog. I'm Kamlesh from Pune and will be in Bandhavgarh next week from DEc 14th to 19th. Hope to meet you. How are the deer species doing - After all they are important for the carnivores? Do you see Antelopes?

  2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  3. I think you should see the Herbivore position yourself during yr stay. Yes there are corridor for to connect other ranges. I have not seen either of them in this season . In-fact the other brother i saw only once last year that too with no photograph.
