Thursday, January 15, 2009


We left for Delhi on 8th. Hariom drove Ele Barkell in the afternoon. Rainy day. nothing much is seen. After reaching Katni we found our train Gondwana 3 hours late and at last it started five and half hours late Reached Delhi ten hours late. Kay's appointment time missed. Luckily another time fixed for tomorrow 10th Jan.
few more tests and few more medicines. Kay is annoyed that doctor talks to me than her. Next time I wont go with her. i think some Indians are still in that social binding that do not talk to a women in her husbands presence.
Next visit is fixed for next month exactly after thirty days.
Train journeys in second A/C is always annoying. One has to pray to god for not hearing snoring - farting man women in the vicinity but drunk passengers with mobile phone is another curse of the air conditioned compartment. Another thing that annoy es me most is These new rich people who treat every other passenger as third grade in every sense. Passengers with young kids is another curse in the train compartment. One kid about 2 yrs old came to our seat and within minutes spit his food on floor. We just look at each other and I clean the floor. mother says Naughty boy. Bloody hell when you are feeding him keep him with you. Sometimes I want to go to these peoples houses too see how they live. Most of the passengers I have seen do not have any sense about the cleanliness.
We were very cautious about our train journey back home. I checked few times about train departure. 5.45 hrs late. Even than I decided to reach to the station about an hour before schedule departure. Train left 7 hrs late reached Katni 12 hrs late. We both were hungry. Asked Sonu to cook dinner for us so we had meal in Umaria. Reached home at 10 PM.
Delhi is a city of Tout and cheaters. i can submit my affidavit on this in any court of India. I never got a simple honest answer from any Auto or Rickshaw or Taxi Driver in last 30 yrs. Seeing Kay (White skin women) with me make things worse. Metro is a God Gift for Delhi. I wish I could travel every corner of Delhi through metro.
Why all these Governments could not made Delhi drivers behave like Mumbai Taxi drivers. This is the one point where every government ruled Delhi has failed.
I dont celeberate any festival but do love to eat all the sweets avialable on these occassions. This time no Makar Sankranti Laddu.

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