Monday, December 15, 2008


I feel very sorry for Swampy to spend rest of his life in Bhopal Zoo. A great wild Tiger goes to prison under Life Imprisonment. How quick this case was dealt. Poor chap never got any legal aid for his support and here people are crying for Terrorists who created havoc in Mumbai that they should get some legal aid. I wish there case was dealt as promptly by Jury as Swamy's case is dealt by M.P. Forest Deptt.
There is another Tiger to be shifted from Bandhavgarh to Panna and the rumours I heard by that it could be Lakshmi, Chorbehra Tigress, the mother of Swampy.
In present situation of the park I feel very pitty for her. She is confined to a very small territory squeezed by three other tigresses and fence. She is loosing her prey base and ground day by day.
I still dont understand the logic of putting the fence and divide her territory. Infact stole her territory by putting the fence.
Other question that we asked to many Experts but none could answer that why this Tigress is not getting preganant?
We have seen several matings in last two years but none could bear any fruit. Why?? Is it because she is living under stress??
Poor prey base??
Teritorry loss and lots of pressure of other tigers from three different sides.
I am describing this for the readers who are familier with topography of bandhavgarh will recognise the place and tiger easily.
She is Lakshmi, Chorbehra Tigress. Her territory extends from Chorbehra to Thauni hill on west, in east she goes uo to Judwani junction, in south she walks up to some extent of Barua Nalah and from there she crosses the hill to Siddhbaba meadow to Chorbehra.
Mahaman Tigress pushes her from the west side, Bhitri Tigresses pushes her from East side and Chakradhara Tigress pushes her from South.
Basically she is surviving on a strip of forest that is not more than 500 - 700 mtrs wide on an average and two km long. Northern side of her territory is fenced with Chain Link fencing.
If she is going to Panna We ( me and Kay) feel happy for her that minimum she will be out of this caged life. Although Bandhavgarh will loose another Tiger. Now the time has come to know that where all these Tigers have gone? What happened to all that money spent on Tiger conservation??
Will the public money will be keep on using like this without any accountability??
I know a case in Bandhavgarh in which a Bathroom was built for Tourists use at Bathan and in less than a year it was demolished by the same Director. Total construction cost of that was over a lakh Rs. No accountability and no question raised till today.
One day I will post those photographs with dates to prove my story.
More Later.
Today we are in Delhi. Kay needs urgent medical attention. 3 weeks in Mumbai could not helped her at all so now we are trying our luck in Delhi.

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